Saturday, August 29, 2009

Organized Space Organized Mind

I have finally reorganized my studio, I feel lighter somehow. Here are a few photos of the finished product. Jim, my husband tells me that I still have too much stuff. Oh well......!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Studio Mess

I am taking a few art days off, so I can rearrange my studio. While working out in the studio this week I got really frustrated trying to find things. I am organizing and rearranging for a few days.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Be

I found these little beads in my studio and decided to make a little bracelet. I can always use a reminder to just, be.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bug Box

funny and halloween

color blind and american

back to school, summer, peace
and brown paper beetles

eco and yoga beetles

the whole box

Today was the first day of school in our town. For some reason, it made me think of high school
biology. Remember collecting bugs and having to stick them in a display box? Here is my art version. Sorry Mr. Hickey!

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is what I made out of one of the frogs, Sorry the photos are a little glaring, I didn't have time to make a light box. The little glass bubbles have drawings of flowers in them, if you can't tell.
This project took me longer than it should have, a little frustrating!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Frogs and Molds

I didn't post yesterday because I went flea marketing with daughter Bethany. These are my finds, we discovered a great booth with boxes full of same items, frogs, shoe trees and gelatin molds.
A great day!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Power of Flowers

What a beautiful day! It has been hard to stay in the studio today, so Viv (our little dachshund) and I have spent the morning in the garden, picking flowers and dropping them in galvanized buckets of water. The result? Art!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mini Me

I've always liked miniatures, especially if it is a replica of the original. Here is a miniature of our home. Yes, we like the color orange. It makes a great halloween house.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Local Food

I finally finished my collage. It was inspired by the movie Food Inc. We all really need to try to eat locally grown food. It's better for us and our environment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brown Paper

Lately I have been obsessed with the show Mad Men, the 1960s fashion reminds me of my childhood. So I decided to make a paper dress in that style. String, staples and clips, keep it on the dress form.

Monday, August 17, 2009

woman with red sleeves

My extended family planted a garden this year. We have had a bumper crop of many kinds of vegetables. I am paying homage with this little okra lady.

Why Daily Art?

After leaving my job in the school system and becoming an empty nester, we converted our backyard shed into an art studio. Three years later I still have artist's block and need some motivation to produce art.
So I came up with Daily Art, to hold myself accountable while I discover the joy of making art again.
Daily art is not meant to be a means of producing masterpieces, but a way to have fun while being creative.
Art can be created by using different materials and ideas.That is why you will see a variety of art in this blog. My hope is not only to be inspired to make art, but to inspire you too.


Sunday, August 16, 2009